Advocate for Quality Public Education

Including funding equity, integration, high quality teachers and principals, increase in essential support personnel, smaller class size in poverty schools, and ensuring public tax dollars for public school education are used responsibly and transparently.

Meeting/Contact Information

Please contact [email protected] for more information.

LWVPT Positions

  1. Oppose vouchers to private schools and advocate capping Charter Schools at 100.
  2. Advocate for high quality early childcare, health services, and Pre-K for all.
  3. Advocate for Civics Education in all levels of public schools.
  4. Participate in voter registration for high school students in collaboration with local high schools.

Quality Education for All

In the League of Women Voters U.S. Impact on Issues 2022-2024, the issue of quality education was addressed with emphasis on the Federal Role in Public Education. (132-134)


  • See Public Schools First for more information on the state of North Carolina’s public schools.